Time flows slowly, and 16-year-old Tokyo girl Oka Matsumae (voiced by Ito Kanae) spent a happy and unforgettable time at the hot spring hotel Kitsui-so run by her grandmother (voiced by Kubota Tamie). Ishikawa Prefecture ushered in the cool autumn season, and Yuina Wakura (voiced by Haruka Tomatsu) was asked by the proprietress of Fukuya to come to Kitsui-ya for training. This happy and outgoing girl added a lot of vitality here. Yuina accidentally messed up the room where the sundries were stored while cleaning. When Oka came to clean up, she accidentally found a diary of Douding's grandfather. To her surprise, it recorded the rebellious experience of her mother Gaoyue (voiced by Honda Takako) when she was young, as well as her quarrel with her grandmother and her encounter with Oka's father more than ten years ago. This film is an original commemorative work for the 10th anniversary of the establishment of PAWorks, and is a theatrical version of the animation of the same name.