One day, an ordinary high school girl Akane Motomiya (voiced by Tomoko Kawakami), her friends Tenshin Morimura (voiced by Tomokazu Seki) and Shimon Ryuyama (voiced by Yuki Miyata) were transported to the distant "Kyoto" by a red leaf. There, people call Akane the "White Dragon Goddess", and she can use the power of the dragon god stored in her body to protect Kyoto from the harassment of evil spirits. The so-called eight leaves represent the four blue dragons and four white tigers, and their mission is to surround the Goddess and protect him. At the same time, the gentle and lovely Princess Fuji (voiced by Ikue Otani) also does her best to take care of Akane's daily life. In that time and space, the four gods who maintain the stability of the air flow were taken away by the ghosts, and the ghost king Akram (voiced by Ryutaro Okiayu) showed his true self and challenged Akane. In order to prevent the barrier from being destroyed, Akane must fight the ghost king and take back the four gods. But as time goes by, Akram is gradually moved by Qian's innocence and integrity, and Qian is deeply attracted by Akram's mysterious life experience. Can they, who are at the two ends of good and evil, have a happy ending?