The story takes place in Kanagawa Prefecture. Hojo Buntaro (voiced by Yamashita Seiichiro) is a very ordinary male high school student. For the future, Buntaro has no hope and fantasy, and every day is spent in dullness and hopelessness. One day, a girl named Kuroda Sayuki (voiced by Chikan Haruka) suddenly found Buntaro. Sayuki is a shining star in the school, and she is also the object of Buntaro's secret love. Why did she find Buntaro? It turned out that a script Buntaro had written deeply attracted Sayuki. Sayuki hoped that Buntaro could help her make a beautiful girl game. In a half-hearted way, Buntaro joined the team, but Buntaro knew nothing about the basic process of game production. Also participating in the production of the game are Buntaro's childhood sweetheart Hayakawa Yuka (voiced by Hanazawa Kana) and perfectionist Anton Eiye (voiced by Akesaka Satomi).