The story takes place in the municipal Satohama High School. Arihara Tsubasa (voiced by Nishida Nozomi) is a freshman who has just entered high school. Once, as the captain of the baseball team, she had endless hopes for Koshien, but an accident made her give up her dream in despair. Today's high school is a school without a baseball club. Although secretly relieved, Arihara Tsubasa also felt a little disappointed. Is baseball really a dream that she can't give up? Born in a baseball family, the arrogant lady Higashiun Ryu (voiced by Kondo Reina), Nozaki Yuki (voiced by Minami Saki) who has a devilish figure, a gentle personality and is very caring, and the lively and cheerful natural girl Kahoku Chie (voiced by Inoue Honoka). At school, Arihara Tsubasa met these girls who are full of enthusiasm and interest in baseball.