Kurata Ami (voiced by Toyama Nao) is an ordinary female college student. She has poor motor skills and falls even when walking on flat ground. She is a real sports idiot. In order to save her reputation, Ami decided to learn to ride a bicycle. In the process, Ami gradually fell in love with this sport. Ami's childhood sweetheart, Aragaki Aoi (voiced by Igarashi Yumi), who is good at sports with a well-developed right brain, Nishijo Hinako (voiced by Okubo Rumi), who is petite but actually has a very mature personality, Ichinose Yayoi (voiced by Kurosawa Yurika), who is taciturn and has a fanaticism and persistence that is not commensurate with her plain appearance, and Takamiya Saki (voiced by Hikasa Yoko), a mysterious girl with an independent personality, joined the cycling club half-heartedly.