This is a world where gods, demons and humans live together. Over time, people have become accustomed to this unusual life. The story takes place in the National Barbena Academy. Tsuchimi (voiced by Sugita Tomokazu) is an ordinary teenager. The tragic experience in his childhood caused him to lose his parents early. He is currently boarding at the home of his childhood sweetheart Furong Kaede (voiced by Goto Yuko). The two go to class and go home together every day, and they have a very good relationship with each other. Lixiansas (voiced by Aoki Sayaka) is the daughter of the God King. She has a lively and cheerful personality and is good at cooking and sports; Nalinai (voiced by Matsunaga Yuki) is the daughter of the Demon King. While possessing a high IQ, she also has a beautiful voice like an angel's bell. When two pure girls come to Tsuchimi because they can't forget their past encounters, what kind of interesting story will happen?