Sakuragi Hinako (voiced by Ichimichi Mao) is a very introverted and shy girl, but she has a dream of becoming a drama actor in her heart. In order to realize her dream, Hinako decided to push herself and left her familiar hometown to go to the capital, where she hopes to make new friends and hone her ability to interact with others. Hinako lives in a dormitory called Shikisou, but what Hinako didn't expect is that this is actually an old bookstore. In Shikisou, Hinako met many friends-Natsukawa Kuina (voiced by Tomita Miyu), a strange girl who is cheerful and optimistic and likes to eat books, Ogino Chiaki (voiced by Higashijo Hisako), who is usually taciturn but can speak eloquently once she stands on the stage, and Hiiragi Mayuki (voiced by Ogura Yui), who looks petite and cute but has been working hard.