"Sky Warriors" is a manga created by Kubotamakoto. The protagonist "Sunred", a righteous man, is actually just a lazy, freeloader. The leader of the evil organization "Flosham", "General Bamp", is a good man who loves cooking and treats people kindly. Justice and evil are not absolute. This work will focus on short stories about the daily lives of heroes and villains, and occasionally interspersed with friendly cooking tutorials. The Taiwanese Chinese version of the original manga "Sky Warriors" is distributed by Dongli, and the second season of the animation is scheduled to start airing in Japan on October 3 (Saturday) this year. STAFF Supervisor: Seiji Kishi Supervisor: Takehiko Matsumoto, Composition: Makoto Kamiesu Script: Makoto Kamiesu, Kojiro Nakamura, Kojiro Kojiro, Morita Kazuaki Music: Shinji Kakishima Producer: AICASTA: flying DOGCAST Takagi Toshiyuki: General Nabei Takashi: Yamada Riko 53rd (Mustache Baron) Fighter No. 1: Nabeki (Mustache Baron) Fighter No. 2 Yoshi: Shimizu Sei (Tokyo Mew) No.か: イッキ (Tokyo タイツ) ウサコッツ: Mamiya くるみナレーションほか: AX アツシ・・・ほか.