The first season of the animation "Hakuouki Season 1" tells the story of Hijikata leading the Shinsengumi to move to Edo. Because of the change of times, the weapons of battle changed from traditional samurai swords to guns. Driven by history, the members of the Shinsengumi have also changed. The biggest highlight of the second season is undoubtedly that each character has "changed their appearance", put on Western dresses, and cut their hair short. The animation follows the Hijikata line, which is the most difficult and saddest line, because Hijikata is the representative of the last samurai of the Tokugawa shogunate and the Bushido spirit until the last moment. Whether in comics or historical facts, Hijikata has witnessed the rise and fall of the Shinsengumi, including the beheading of Kondo Isami, the death of Okita Souji, and the death of other comrades in arms. It can be said that the producers spent a lot of time choosing the Hijikata line for production. by: