Uno Saki (voiced by Ohashi Ayaka) and Misho Sakurayo (voiced by Misawa Sasaki) form the idol group "Magic Twin". The group is still in the trainee stage. Although the two are actively carrying out performing activities every day, their popularity can only be described as mediocre. Sakurayo's brother Momoshi (voiced by Toyonaga Toshiyuki) is also a debut idol, belonging to the popular group "STAR☆PRINCE". Saki has always deeply admired Momoshi and hopes that through her own efforts, she can become a woman worthy of him one day. By chance, Saki met Kokoro (voiced by Ichijo Kazuya), the mascot from the magic world, and accidentally signed a contract to become a magical girl. What Saki didn't expect was that her image as a magical girl turned out to be a man with well-developed chest muscles! In this way, Saki took on the burden of saving the world and protecting her lover as a man.