Miki Takekasa (voiced by Saki Miyashita) is an honest and introverted girl. Because she doesn't like to talk, she can't make any friends in her life. She thought that such a lonely life would accompany her until graduation. Until one day, Miki met a girl named Takayashiki Aya (voiced by Takano Marika) by chance. Aya's personality is very different from Miki's. She is a girl whose joy, anger, sorrow and happiness are all shown on her face. She has a carefree, cheerful and enthusiastic personality. Under Aya's leadership, Miki first came into contact with board games. The cheerful, steady and orderly class leader Midori Nono (voiced by Tomita Miyu), and the beautiful transfer student Emilia from Germany who aims to become a board game designer, in a board game store called Dice Club, the beautiful girls' happy after-school time kicked off.