The story takes place in the private Shiraki Academy. Nogito Haruka (voiced by Mamiko Noto) is a well-known rich girl in the school. Whenever she is mentioned, her classmates consciously use honorifics, and even give her beautiful names such as "Silver Stardust" and "Princess on the Keyboard". There is even a fan club for her, supporting Haruka wholeheartedly. Ayase Yuto (voiced by Hatano Wataru) is just an ordinary boy on campus. With his status and strength, it is impossible for him to have any intersection with Haruka. By chance, Yuto accidentally discovered Haruka's secret in the library. It turned out that Haruka, who seemed gentle and knowledgeable, was actually a super otaku! This secret broke the barrier between Yuto and Haruka, and the distance between the two became closer and closer, and gradually a sincere relationship developed.