The live-action TV series "Chibi Maruko-chan" held its opening ceremony on the 29th. The protagonists in the cartoon walked to the front of the stage. Lin Youwei played Maruko's father this time. He said: "Although I am not unfamiliar with the role of father, I acted in a comedy this time and treated it as a play." Yinfu also wore a flower head and played Maruko's mother. She smiled bitterly: "When I went to Maruko's class, many actors were older than me and called me aunt. Is this reasonable?" But she was praised by the Japanese teacher Sakura as more beautiful than the Japanese live-action version of Noriko Sakai, which was also very satisfying. Wei Man praised Maruko for being cute, "I often bullied her in the play because Maruko was very nonsensical and her sister often couldn't stand it." Maruko's grandfather was played by Gu Baoming.