Zhou Xiaodi (voiced by Xu Jiao) lives a happy life with Zhou Dad (played by Shi Banyu), alien dog Qizai (voiced by Lin Su), and big fat dog Chocolate (voiced by Jian Yaozong). One day, they met the alien confused warrior No. 88 in an abandoned amusement park. The confused warrior told Zhou Xiaodi that at this time, the interstellar devil Jin Baobao (voiced by Ma Yufei) was ready to move. It planned a conspiracy called "Dark Food Plan" to dominate the earth, and the responsibility of the confused warrior was to defeat Jin Baobao and protect the earth. Zhou Xiaodi decided to help the confused warrior. They learned that there was a long-lost ancient book that recorded the secret weapon that could defeat Jin Baobao, so the group embarked on a journey to find the ancient book. What kind of stories with laughter and tears are waiting for them along the way?