A domestic idol animation jointly produced by Qilingshi Animation, Siba Media, and Penguin Films. The animation is produced by Qilingshi and is scheduled to be broadcast in 2020. In the near future of 2047 in S City, Liu Xingyu, a lively girl who dreams of becoming an idol, is ordered to come to Earth to find the power of faith. The alien girl Yiti, who came to the modern ancient princess Huaisi by mistake, and the magical girl Anna Lina from the comic world across the dimension, the four people with their own wishes met at the audition of the new idol team of Project48, and were selected as preparatory students together, becoming the "substitutes of substitutes" of the sixteen selected idols on the stage, and lived in the same dormitory. The four people thus embarked on the hard practice of becoming idols, from "substitutes of substitutes" to "substitutes", and then from "substitutes" to real idols. In addition, they also need to find ways to resolve the cultural differences brought by the four different worlds, as well as the problems that come from their respective worlds across time and space... Whether it is playing or helping each other, along the way, they have become irreplaceable to each other, and have emitted their own dazzling light on the idol stage, and the performance unit "Infinite Girls Team" has been officially established.