Princess Yulan of the Ming Dynasty (voiced by Luo Yujuan) traveled to Japan to compete with the smartest people there. General Yoshimitsu (voiced by Liu Beichen) sent Ikyu (voiced by Wang Xiaoyan) to fight, but the princess was defeated. Ikyu's intelligence made Yulan admire him and insisted on becoming his wife. In desperation, Ikyu had to take Yulan to Anguo Temple. Ikyu thought that the hard life in the temple would make the spoiled princess retreat, but she was tough and strong by nature and could cope with the difficulties that followed. The emperor of the Ming Dynasty gave General Yoshimitsu a priceless treasure, but it was stolen by the thief Red Cat who robbed the rich and helped the poor. The real identity of Red Cat was Ikyu's friend Akatarou (voiced by Li Zhengxiang), and Akatarou was eventually arrested by Shinyouemon. After learning about Akatarou's tragic life, the princess and Ikyu felt sympathy and decided to help Akatarou avoid death.