Gai Nie (voiced by Liu Qin), the world's number one swordsman, took his deceased best friend's son Jing Tianming (voiced by Feng Junhua) and wandered all the way, just to avoid the pursuit of the King of Qin. After repelling the 300 cavalry sent by the King of Qin with his own strength, Jing Tianming saw the true chivalry in Gai Nie. The news of this matter spread to the palace walls, and the King of Qin was furious. He ordered Prime Minister Li Si (voiced by You Jun) to get rid of them as soon as possible. So Li Si found Wei Zhuang (voiced by Wu Lei), the defeated general under Gai Nie's former senior brother, and wanted to use him to complete his mission. Wei Zhuang sent his four demon kings to attack Gai Nie all the way, while Gai Nie and Jing Tianming received the great help of Shao Yu (voiced by Shen Dawei), Gao Yue (voiced by Huang Yiqing) and the Mohists, and repeatedly escaped death. In the end, Wei Zhuang forced Gai Nie and his party into a desperate situation, just to be able to compete with him again.